Maryland: 301-790-1815      Hagerstown Metal Fabrication, Inc. on Facebook  Hagerstown Metal Fabricators on Google+


"I love my sculpture base. Jody did a great job. All the good structural stuff doesn’t show, but that’s part of the success! The opening was Saturday and it got lots of great comments. Please tell him THANK YOU for me! And thanks for getting it organized and done so fast. "

- Jane Pettit,

"Thank you and your staff for the great service in providing the ductwork and miscellaneous steel by June 1. We installed without a hitch. The plant is back on line and incompliance, I'm happy, the owner's happy, the State Inspector is happy. GOOD JOB!"

- Project Manger

"Thank everybody involved for fabricating and delivering the hoods to Mack Trucks on time. You helped complete the job on time, without disrupting their production. They were pleased and so are we, Thanks again."

- Engineering Technician

"Your guys did a great job to engineer, modify, and install the hoods. We assumed that you would not be able to complete the move in the scheduled down time. But YOU DID IT. We are up and running, ahead of schedule."

- Facilities Engineer

"HMF Inc. has helped us to develop new products and control our inventory. In six years and almost $250,000 worth of custom fabrication we have never had a rejection."

- General Manager